Home » Technical Description

Technical Description

Sabrina Leonard

Department of English, City College of New York

ENGL210: Writing for Engineers

Professor Jacobson

April 13, 2022

Table of Contents




Reference Page



In the past, most people used many different methods to invent pens and pencils. The first modern pencil was invented in 1795 by Nicholas Jacques Conte (Popova, 2018). Modern pencils are made using graphite and surrounded with wood (Popova, 2018). Since technology has been evolved exponentially, the Apple pencil and other Stylus pencils are making significant progress in today’s society. This progress will impact many people from different demographics to witness the progress in technology. In this technical description, the paper will be about the Apple pencil 1st generation and its components. 

Jony Ive is the British design mastermind behind the invention of the Apple stylus pencil to take the iPad Pro to the next level(Williams, 2015). The apple pencil was invented by Jony Ive and his secret team of designers on November 11, 2015, at Apple’s California Cupertino headquarters(Williams, 2015). The Apple pencil was released with its companion accessory to the iPad Pro in November 2015(William Gallagher | two weeks ago et al.). The Apple stylus pencil design meets the Apple standard with prestigious meticulous precision. The pencil is compatible with the following iPad generations: iPad-mini 5th generation, iPad 6th generation, iPad air 3rd generation, and iPad Pro-12.9-inch 10.5-inch 9.7-inch 1st and 2nd generation(apple,2022). Apple pencil allows customer’s to experience limitless creative expression.


Figure 1: The unboxing of the Apple Pencil 

Apple has successfully created the prestigious design  appearance of their first stylus pencil to use with compatible iPads. In the unboxed Apple Pencil, an extra nib and lighting adapter are provided.   The Apple Pencil is a smooth white and silver band that resembles a regular pencil eraser and is cylindrical. The Apple Pencil allows customers to elevate their experience using an Apple iPad. The convenient capabilities of using an Apple Pencil allow customers to take notes, draw, highlight, and color. The Apple pencil’s specific dimensions are weight: 0.73 ounces, length: 6.92 inches, and diameter: 0.35 inches(2022). The Apple pencil has fast and easy connection capabilities by using Bluetooth to connect with compatible Apple iPads(2022).

Figure 2: The Pencils tip components white nib and metal gold transducer

The Apple pencil tip from the outer to inner component contains the white rubber nib and gold transducer. The white rubber nib tip of the pencil allows the pencil to glide across the iPad display screen. The metal transducer component is sensitive to pressure and tilt to produce creative expression writing. The pencil’s tip is one of the essential components of the pencil because its function is to interpret the pencil’s motion and send it to the emitter. Apple has successfully invented a pixel-perfect precision design that is exceptionally accurate.

Figure 3: Inside of  the Apple Pencil silver cylinder chamber

The inner core of the apple pencil is where the magic takes place to provide procession perfect for enabling smooth markings on the iPad display screen. The inner core consists of the sliver cylinder shape chamber, which encapsulates the inner house. The inner house of the chamber consists of the STM32L151UCY6, Lithium-ion battery, Antenna, and lighting connector. The primary function is an ultra-low-power 32-bit RISC ARM-based Cortex-m3 MCU running at 32MHz with 64 KB of flash memory and is the brain of the pencil(Apple,2022). The lithium-ion battery is powered by a rechargeable 3.82v, 0.329 Wh inductor (Apple,2022).

Figure 3: Inside of  the Apple Pencil silver cylinder chamber

The inner core of the apple pencil is where the magic takes place to provide procession perfect for enabling smooth markings on the iPad display screen. The inner core consists of the sliver cylinder shape chamber, which encapsulates the inner house. The inner house of the chamber consists of the STM32L151UCY6, Lithium-ion battery, Antenna, and lighting connector. The primary function is an ultra-low-power 32-bit RISC ARM-based Cortex-m3 MCU running at 32MHz with 64 KB of flash memory and is the brain of the pencil(Apple,2022). The lithium-ion battery is powered by a rechargeable 3.82v, 0.329 Wh inductor (Apple,2022).

Figure 6: Apple Pencil lighting charger connector, charging adapter,  and cap

As depicted in Figure 6 above, the magnetic cap is used to protect the lighting charger connector, resembling a pencil eraser. The charging adapter allows the pencil to be charged from the wall power charger. Another way to charge the pencil is to insert it into the iPad. The charger adapter is referred to as the female-to-female lightning adaptor. Both the cap and adapter are white, the same color as the rest of the pencil. 


            Ive’s and his secret team of designers have achieved the first Apple pencil generation’s design. The Apple Pencil can be used by different people ranging from various ages. The creativity that this pencil can produce exceedingly surpasses any regular writing utensil. The capabilities of the pencil allow color changes option at the tip of the pencil. This design allows for creative expression to be achieved for many customers. The first Apple pencil is also used in classrooms worldwide, taking note-taking to the next level.

Reference Page

William Gallagher | 2 weeks ago, William Gallagher | 4 weeks ago, Malcolm Owen | 1 month ago, Mike Peterson | 2 months ago, Brian Patterson | 5 months ago, William Gallagher | 6 months ago, Mike Peterson | 7 months ago, AppleInsider Staff | 8 months ago, AppleInsider Staff | 9 months ago, Christine McKee | 10 months ago, & {{ author }} | {{ dateFormatted }}. (n.d.). Apple Pencil: Release dates, features, prices. AppleInsider. Retrieved April 13, 2022, from https://appleinsider.com/inside/apple-pencil 

Popova, M. (2018, January 21). The surprising history of the Pencil. The Marginalian. Retrieved April 14, 2022, from https://www.themarginalian.org/2013/06/24/history-of-the-pencil/ 

Detwiler, B. (2015, November 25). We cracked open an Apple Pencil so you don’t have to. CNET. Retrieved April 14, 2022, from https://www.cnet.com/tech/computing/apple-pencil-powered-by-amazingly-tiny-tech/ 

Williams, R. (2015, November 11). Apple Design chief Jony Ive reveals the story behind the new Apple product that Steve Jobs once hated. Business Insider. Retrieved April 14, 2022, from https://www.businessinsider.com/jony-ive-reveals-story-of-apple-pencil-2015-11 

Apple Pencil compatibility. Apple Support. (2022, March 17). Retrieved April 14, 2022, from https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211029 

Apple Pencil teardown. iFixit. (2021, May 20). Retrieved April 14, 2022, from https://www.ifixit.com/Teardown/Apple+Pencil+Teardown/52955 

A1603 Apple Pencil teardown internal photos … – fccid.io. (n.d.). Retrieved April 14, 2022, from https://fccid.io/BCGA1603/Internal-Photos/Internal-Photos-2777228 

Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, March 2). Apple Pencil. Wikipedia. Retrieved April 14, 2022, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Pencil